Well, what a journey this has been, from someone who struggled around the 4-mile route 8 years ago to now sitting here writing this as the recently elected Chair of Great Western Runners. Imposter syndrome is rife, but I thank everyone who has given me confidence that I can fill the shoes of those that have walked the line before me.
I think its only right that I firstly thank those that have held the position before me: Mike Willcox, Cat Mills and Kelly Dicks for handing over a club in a great state. Big thanks also go to John Cox as the former secretary who alongside Kelly have really put an extraordinary shift in over the last 4 or so years and most of what they have done has gone under the radar. I will still be contacting you most days for your opinion just so you are aware.
So, like I mentioned I started in the 4-mile group way back when and the club really helped me meet new friends and maintain some consistency in staying active, I’ve gone from 5 hours to a little over 3 hours for the marathon distance, completed 100k+ Ultra’s, Long distance Ironman’s and ran all over the world running and meeting new people and gaining some great life experiences.
Community will be a strongly in mind over the course of my tenure and whilst running is seen as a solo sport teamwork really does make the dreamwork. I would like to grow links with the local clubs, races, businesses and continue supporting ADMF for which a lot of amazing achievement has already been accomplished.
Over the past year or so the things like club social events. parkrun tourism and the change of where and how the tables are situated after club runs have benefitted the club to grow its inclusiveness no end and I’ll strive to find more things like this to keep the club as friendly, diverse and inclusive as it’s always been, regardless of your motive for attending.
We have what I believe is a great committee that will help deliver the club experience that the membership wants to see. I believe everyone should be able to run with us and have the experience that they want, whether that’s a 4-mile social run or a 10-mile tempo run and everything in between, whether the individual wants to run faster, longer, grow their knowledge of the sport or just get some fresh air and someone to talk their week over with.
I have a few ideas of how I would like to continue the good work of previous committees whilst evolving some new ideas to take the club the club from strength to strength.
Despite my name being on the door so to speak it’s a team game and I welcome everyone to share their ideas and collaborate and get stuck in, many hands make light work.
I won’t promise to stick to writing a regular column but there are plans afoot for regular correspondence so again if anyone has any ideas on what they would like communicated then please get in touch.
Here’s to hopefully a successful tenure.
Club Chair
Great Western Runners